Currently Reads – 14.08.2015

Hello there! Thought I’d do a quick #FridayReads kind of thing. I may not get a lot of reading done as I am baking cupcakes tonight as it’s my friends 21st birthday tomorrow and I wanted to be the bestest friend I can be. Then tomorrow I have work, then I’m celebrating with my friends for their birthday. So I’m only really going to get some reading done on Sunday. So here is what I’m reading over the weekend!

The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden – Jessica Sorensen


I am currently loving this! I always forget how much I love New Adult books until I read one. This has me hooked and I’m obsessed!

The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald


I’m only about 50 pages of the way through this so far but I’m enjoying it. Not loving it but its good.

That’s what I’m reading this weekend. Sorry this was so short but I have to go check on my cupcakes soon! What are you currently reading? Let me know!

Have a great weekend!
